Sleep Watch User Tips

New: Upgrades For Sleep Anomaly Detection

    Here at SleepWatch, we are constantly striving for new ways to help our users improve their sleep and get more out of SleepWatch. Our latest update adds improvements to our sleep anomaly insight.

What’s New With Anomalies?

The team at SleepWatch strives to give you as much control of your sleep data as possible in an effort to provide greater insight into factors that may impact your sleep. Our latest update (Version 5.7 and higher) adds improvements to our automatic sleep anomaly detection.

Previously, SleepWatch featured “higher quality sleep” and “lower quality sleep” anomaly detection. These insights could sometimes be confusing in that the cause of the anomaly was not always obvious for a user. Anomaly insights are now categorized as “higher quality sleep”, “lower quality sleep”, or “unusual sleep”, and you will receive a clear indication of why the insight was triggered.

Additionally, you will now receive notifications if there is a sleep anomaly triggered. We believe that abrupt changes in sleep patterns are important things users to be aware of.

What is Considered an Anomaly?

Anomalies are changes to the way YOU sleep. What triggers an anomaly for one user may not cause an anomaly insight to fire for another user, as determined by their unique sleep habits. At SleepWatch, we currently derive anomalies from: Sleeping Heart Rate Dip, and Sleep Disruption. We believe that these two metrics are important factors in overall sleep quality.

Sleep Disruptions are interruptions to your sleep. Interruptions can happen for many reasons such as bathroom breaks, waking to assist a child or other person needing care, pet disruptions, insomnia, pain, etc. Health research shows that the degree to which sleep is disrupted is an important indicator of sleep quality, independent of the amount of total sleep achieved.

Sleeping Heart Rate Dip is the percent difference of your Average Sleeping Heart Rate from your average waking heart rate. A greater “dip” is considered healthier in health studies. Measures of sleeping heart rate dip have been found to be an important indicator of overall cardiovascular health.

If, for example, both your Sleeping Heart Rate Dip percentage and your Sleep Disruption percentage appear to be better than normal, a “higher quality sleep” anomaly would be detected. If both your Sleeping Heart Rate Dip percentage and your Sleep Disruption percentage appear to be worse than normal, a “lower quality sleep” anomaly would be detected. Occasionally, one metric may appear to be better while the other appears to be worse. This would cause an “unusual sleep” anomaly to be detected.

Why is it Important to Track Anomalies?

Tracking anomalies may give you additional visibility into factors that cause your sleep to differ significantly from what is normal for you.

For example, you may find that you sleep extra well when you had a workout or meditated during the day. Conversely, you might find that a particularly stressful day, or alcohol-based drinks too close to bed causes you to sleep poorly. We believe that helping you identify positive and negative habits empowers you to make better decisions and ultimately improve your sleep.

When you have a particularly good, bad, or unusual sleep, SleepWatch will share with you what metric caused the anomaly and ask you to provide details about factors that may have impacted your sleep.

When responding to the sleep anomaly question in the app, you can use the new “filter” function to find factors that may have contributed to the sleep anomaly. You can choose multiple options if more than one factor applies.

Is There an Extra Charge for This Service?

There is no extra charge for this enhanced feature.

All SleepWatch users will have access to this important insight when a sleep anomaly is detected. We hope you enjoy this feature upgrade.

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