Sleep Watch User Tips

Me Tab Guide

  • Essential Takeaways
  • · The Me tab is where you can find insights about the unique nature of your sleep
  • · See your most commonly tagged actions and your most commonly tagged details about your sleep from the Me tab
  • · With Premium, see which of your daily tagged actions appear to be helping you achieve higher quality sleep
  • · To enable insights on the Me tab, consistently tag details about your sleep and actions you are taking each day from the Today tab

The Me tab enables you to discover the unique nature of your sleep and how it might be impacted by your particular lifestyle choices.

You can see your most commonly tagged actions that may impacting your sleep as well as your most commonly tagged details about how you are sleeping. These tallies are aggregated from the prior 120 days. To take advantage of this feature, be sure to regularly tag your sleep from the Today tab day-to-day. In doing so, be sure to tag what did happen just as often as what didn't happen to take full advantage of possible Me tab insights.

By tagging activities that may have impacted your sleep you may achieve greater awareness of the common lifestyle habits that may or may not promote better sleep. After all, achieving high-quality sleep is important for your physical and mental health. We highly encourage you to select your lifestyle tags daily. Think of them as your sleep diary!

Me tab insights and tagging functionality are available to all SleepWatch users. Users that upgrade to Premium can additionally see which tags are associated with better Sleeping HR Dip and/or less Sleep Disruption. This Premium feature is designed to enable you to gain better insight into which lifestyle actions may be helping you to achieve better sleep. Here's an example of the additional insights available in the Me tab with Premium:

See Additional Guides Below

Sleep Watch User Tips

Today Tab Guide

Welcome to your Today tab. This tab contains your most recent and historical daily sleep ...
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Sleep Watch User Tips

More Tab Guide

The More tab is the control center for your SleepWatch account. You can manage notifications, ...
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Sleep Watch User Tips

Updates Tab Guide

Insights in the Updates tab are AI-powered personalized updates based on your personal sleep data.
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